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What to pack when hiking with toddlers?

Welcome y'all!

We have roughly been on 15+ hikes with varying intensities and anywhere between .5miles to 4miles in distance this year thus far. Every hike has been unique and there is a lot of thought that goes into both packing and unpacking of things. While I started as a no expert, there has been so much I have learnt about traveling with just the essentials. It has one, helped me appreciate the comfort of our home and two, learn survival skills when it is not possible to move around with every possible item needed.

Hydration is key, no matter whether you hike on a sunny day or the coldest winter. My favorite are the fruit pouches as they provide sugar for energy and the liquid handles the hydration. Not all trails contain trash cans and it is extremely important to preserve the eco-system in these trails. These pouches are hardly of any weight and saving them in backpacks during your hike back is easy-peasy.

Replace juice bottles with puches - saves space and easy to carry back for disposal.

Bite sized snacks, nuts or fruit bars that is not plenty to carry but ones that give enough energy and helps keep them full. We for sure don't want a hangry kiddo :)

Sun Protection is much needed irrespective of the season. Be it a sunscreen, sunglasses or hats I make sure to pack one of these and a travel size is easy on my backpack.

First-Aid Kit with very basic items like band-aids and alcohol wipes.

Ziplocks is my personal preference while hiking as it is easy to seal wet or dirty diapers and save them until a trash can can be spotted. I avoid plastics as much as possible and this is one of those exceptions.

Diapers and a pair of change of clothes. From blowouts to getting wet, the unexpected rightly happens, so don't let that catch you off-guard.

We hike a couple of miles with my 3 year old and she does well for most of the distance as long as we stop by for a rest break. We sing all the way or share stories to keep her engaged. As an alternative carrying a music player helps. After reading Llama Llama loves camping, we have stuck to mama Llama's rules and our hikes or camping are pretty much gadget free with an exception of cameras. You absolutely know who gained immunity here ;)

Insect repellents bands, bug sprays, sting patches are good to consider based on what your munchkin's need.

Avoid containers, boxes and similar storage items that may add up extra pounds.

Hope your little one enjoys their time outdoors, stay well...


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